“Tacolicious” book review

This might be a little known fact about me…but tacos are my favorite food group…I mean, food. Yeah, you know what I mean.

If I invite you over for dinner, chances are at some point, I will make you tacos. I’m not talking the old school hard shell taco with American cheese and store bought salsa though. I mean the good stuff: soft, warm (wheat free!!!!) corn tortillas, with freshly seasoned shredded meats, and delicious, exploding in your mouth homemade salsas to go with.

You can imagine my excitement when I found Tacolicious up for review on Blogging for books!

This book did not disappoint! In addition to having plenty of mouth watering taco recipes, there were sections for sides and appetizers, cocktails to go with your Mexican feast, and lots of made from scratch salsa recipes to try. I’m really looking forward to upping my game with some of the salsa recipes actually, since they call for roasting or broiling your own peppers before blending them. Not that difficult actually, but hey, it sounds fancy! And I loooooove salsas!

I also really enjoyed the bits of history and background that author Sara Deseran provided about the restaurant she and her husband started, from which the book received it’s namesake. It was neat to read about their love of authentic Mexican food as well as the country, and how they really try to honor traditional Mexican cuisine through various avenues.

Lastly, the photography game was on point. There wasn’t a photo for every recipe, which is always a teensy bit of a bummer for me because I so love visualizing food before I make it, but they made up for it with a unique blend of photojournalistic/ lifestyle behind the scenes shots of their restaurant and the dishes themselves.

The book was beautifully made and I am so glad to add it to my arsenal!


I was sent this book to review by Blogging for Books.


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