This is either a color study or a study of my obsessive personality

Around last fall is when I began playing around with food photography. I can’t believe the road that messing around with napkins and crumbs has led me onto one year later!

I remember styling being the hardest aspect of it; it just really took some time for that to click. I remember being so intrigued by styled still life scenes. I still am! I loved seeing the work of a variety of food photographers and stylists I followed online bring these inanimate objects to life.

Soon after, I began styling anything and everything I could. It is absolutely a skill that takes practice, and I am still learning every day, but for some reason, I have so much fun doing it!

I’m sure part of it is my obsessive personality, and part of it is just how nice it is to slow down and work on something without feeling rushed. To create something perfectly imperfect, just to be pleasing to the eyes.

Here is a styling set I did last fall in my home, all shot on iPhone 5 and edited with Afterlight. They were actually all shared on my instagram account, but I felt like resurfacing them here. I know I have a colorful home, but it was interesting to see how so much color was found in the really subtle details of things often ignored.





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Bits and pieces of my story and bits and pieces of yours
