Places // Thailand, Hong Kong, and Toyko

So I have been back in the country for a little over a week already from my trip to Hong Kong, Thailand, and Japan. I’m finally getting the chance to post some pictures here!

I had the sweet opportunity to visit some dear friends of mine who are currently living and working in these places. Well, Brittany, who I actually spent time with in Hong Kong, is living in Beijing, but it worked better for us to meet halfway in Hong Kong. We just have a knack for meeting up in random countries anyway : )

Overall, I spent 4.5 days in Hong Kong, a full week in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and then a quick 12 hours in Tokyo for a layover, but I actually had a friend to visit there! My dad was asking me before I left if all of these people were really my friends or if I had just met them on the internet haha. Yes! Great friends actually. People that I love, and while I am sad that they are currently living on the other side of the world, I feel so blessed to have been able to visit them and experience a little bit of what their day to day life is like.

It was such a great trip, with such amazing people, and I wanted to be able to share a little bit of my life outside of the photo shoots you are used to seeing!

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Bits and pieces of my story and bits and pieces of yours
