our Lake Diablo Portraits by Ryan Flynn Photography


It’s almost May of 2015 and while it feels so normal to be back in Chicago, it also is kind of odd to realize we’ve been living in this familiar, yet new place for 4 whole months. That means it’s been 4 whole months since we left our last adventure, Seattle.

Our time in Seattle was short. In many ways, too short. We were there for exactly one year, though that wasn’t intentional, it just kind of worked out that way. In other ways, out time there felt like it was just right. Like we did what we were supposed to do, met some amazing people, ended our lease, and moved on to the next chapter.

Regardless of whether our time there was too short or just right, I am so glad we got these photos taken just a couple of months before we left. I had wanted to do them anyway, just because I want to try and be good about getting yearly portraits taken. Believe it or not, it can be just as difficult remembering to do that as a photographer than anyone else!

At the time that we took these photos, we started to have an idea that we might not be in Seattle in 2015, but still were not positive. So of course, looking back these photos is pretty nostalgic for me. I’m so glad we had them taken, especially during what was such a confusing and uncertain time, because to me, they are not just depictions of the place we lived, but also, our life in that very moment, even though to the outside observer they are just pretty portraits.

You know what else? I think that everyone should take yearly portraits if they are able to. Not even just couples, or families with kids, but even individuals. We all change so much, that even as I look at these photos today, I kind of laugh realizing how different Jason and I already look and feel 6 months later. And how totally different we are here from when we first started dating 5 years ago, and then 3 years ago at our wedding. It’s sweet to mark the changes in our lives, and also to be able to remember what you were thinking and feeling and going through at that same time, even though others may not know it from the outside.

Of course, I have to give a HUGE thanks to Ryan Flynn for taking our portraits, adventuring way out there with us, and being a champ in the frigid temps. He is simply one of the PNW’s best, and I feel so fortunate that this chapter of our lives was captured by him. Thanks Ryan!!!



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Bits and pieces of my story and bits and pieces of yours
