Homemade almond milk, because everyone’s doing it

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I don’t know what has kept me from it for this long, but I finally decided to make some homemade almond milk after persistent encouragement from friends that it really was that easy. Albeit a little messy, it was easy, and fun :)

I pretty much followed every generic homemade almond milk recipe out there, so this is nothing novel, but here are my instructions just in case you’d like to see.

  • 2 cups raw organic almonds
  • water
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • nut milk bag

Soak the 2 cups of almonds in cold water anywhere from 6- 48 hours. I let mine soak almost 48 hours mostly out of laziness. I had them in water but didn’t know what to do next so I’d just pass by them every so often sitting in the kitchen thinking, “I should probably do something about those before I waste some perfectly good almonds.”

So after watching a couple youtube videos (my lifeline for everything), I went to whole foods to buy some cheesecloth. They had cheese cloth but also had this nylon reusable nut milk bag. It was $10 vs the $5 cheese cloth, but I figured, if it’s reusable, maybe it will be worth it. I ended up really liking it, though I don’t really know what it’s like to use cheesecloth.

Then add the almond sans water to a blender, and add 2 cups of water for every cup of almonds. More water = thinner milk.

Blend until very pulpy and then pour over cheese cloth or nut bag into a bowl or bottle, and you’re done!

Also, you should store it in an airtight container in the fridge. I used this lid-less 1 liter vase because it looks cool and that’s all :)

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