This past month has been a bit of a whirlwind for my family as we moved in the beginning of the month and I also started kindergarten at home for my oldest. As intense as the beginning of September felt, I have to say I’m really enjoying the change of season and new rhythms we are finding.
The slight dip in temperature has also been really refreshing and I find myself daydreaming about wrapping up in a sweater, hopefully soon.
We’re taking a brush drawing class that I’m doing alongside my kids and we’re all really loving it.
It’s inspiring me to practice by recreating our little nature finds, and it turns out fall just so happens to be my favorite time of year for nature collections.
All of the seeds we find, especially the nuts falling from the majestic trees has me feeling a certain kind of reverence to nature and it’s necessary cycles of life. I’ll stop before I just get way to sappy about my love of trees. (No pun intended ) ;)
As always, these little rituals of family help me to slow down and strengthen my desire to help you hold onto these moments that are going by too quickly. It’s such an honor to continue to document families in their homes, and help them to preserve these memories that remind them of these days.
If you find yourself wanting photos of you and your family that capture you all in a way that doesn’t just remind you what you look like, but what your family feels like, send me an email. I’d love to chat with you! In the mean time, if you want to see some more lovely family sessions, you might enjoy this post or this one.
One more thing, if just the thought of prepping your whole family for a photo session stresses you out, download my free guide to getting the whole family photo ready!