wander // our West Coast road trip Part 3: Orange County through New Mexico (iphone only)


Here it is folks, the last post on our epically insane road trip that brought up back to Illinois. You know, the one where we took the shortest way possible? ha. ha. ha.

So at some point during our trip, I got deathly ill. I don’t know what deathly ill is in your book, but in mine, it’s shakes, fever, hallucinations. Okay, maybe I didn’t hallucinate. But how will I ever know, really?

I digress though. The height of my sickness arrived just in time for warmth and sunshine in Southern California, which was unfortunate because we we really weren’t able to enjoy our time there. And I was also done making stops and taking pretty pictures. Good thing I had my iphone handy. Best camera ever when you’re feeling lazy but still want to take some great photos!

Seriously guys, don’t underestimate your iphone. She’s got your back.

These photos start somewhere in Southern California, and continue on into the desert and Albuquerque, New Mexico. There are no photos from New Mexico to Illinois. Sorry if you really wanted to see that route. You should drive it yourself. It’s amazing. (???)


Palm spring lemons the size of my head! Or fist.


I will say I miss those desert sunsets.


I thought they only had cacti like that in cartoons, but apparently Arizona does too.


Our cutie patootie little friends Anders + Jenn, aka our bomb diggity hosts in Albuquerque, on their lovely porch. I know, right?



The end!

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Bits and pieces of my story and bits and pieces of yours
